torsdag 23. september 2010

Another windy day

Hi this is Cuddel fan #1
I am here to report to you that the cuddel of the month is Anna! applause. Now the fall is falling its windy but we cuddels love to kick the leaves and splash around in them. The cuddel hotel is finally finished and tourists are rushing in like crazy. The cuddel cops think they have found the monster who has been lurking spooky forest but are there more or was it not this mischievous monster half cuddel gone wrong thing. Later news about that later. Sigh. Right now cuddels are waiting for something exciting and mischievous to happen ...   Just another windy day ...

lørdag 11. september 2010


 And the winner is Anna she made a great poem about a monster in Spooky forest! Cuddel queen says `That poem was the most fantastic poem I have ever heard and that's why she deserves a lip smacker and to become cuddel of the month!.` Congratulations Anna!

hugz Cuddel Fan #1

lørdag 4. september 2010

Fall into Fall

The Fall into Fall festival is soon here and all the farmers in Farm Land are getting ready for the festival. We don't have that much fruits and vegetables this year because of the long winter but we still have enough to share with everyone. There are lots of cuddels that will be in the parade this year. Cuddeltown will soon be covered in reds,browns,yellows and some greens. It will be a beautiful season full of peace and friendship. Cuddelland is very happy to have been making progress.

Cuddel fan #1

P.S. The hotel is soon finished and ready for the grand opening.