onsdag 20. oktober 2010

Pumpkin oh pumpkin

Boo! This is our Halloween countdown 11 more days that means it's less than two weeks. Yay!! Anyways we know that we said this two days ago that you were gonna get some tips on carving pumpkins but it got a bit delayed but here are the tips and instructions:

1.)  Step one first of all you need a pumpkin so go to a supermarket or if you grow them in your garden then your lucky. It's good to get a nice and one thats not so dented then it wont mold so fast.

2.) Step two. Now wash your pumpkin and cut a hole,with a good sharp and strong knife (safety first get a grown-up to help you with this part.) big enough so that you can put your arm inside not to big though just at the top.
then you have to take out all the seeds out from inside of the pumkin. Remember to scrape it clean.

3.) Step three.now you can cut out the eyes,mouth and nose but you don't have to do it a certain way you can make patterns and a picture for example a cat or even a cloud. As long as it shines bright on Halloween night.

Reminder!! Be careful when lighting candels and putting them inside. Ask a grown up to help you:) 

Have fun:)

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