torsdag 2. desember 2010


CHISTMAS!! It's finally here just three weeks and now it's advent time! Woohoo! This is C.F.C's  second theme month so this time were having advent...on the first day of Christmas my cuddel gave to me a candy in a candytree(you know they exists,in Cuddelland anyways) On the second day of Christmas my cuddel gave to me 2 iPhones and a candy in a candytree. "You what candytrees remind me of,"said Sunshine the cuddel candy "and I know a good song about candycanes...". and she starts to sing: Oh the weather outside is frightful but my candycane is so delightful and since theres no place to go let snow let it snow on the candytree,because it taste better... badabadapbadap wap!"like it"said Sunshine
 Thats all for today!

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